Physical Therapy Plus – An Interview with Tom Harrington, Owner

SOUTH SHORE BUSINESS REVIEW - physical therapy plus exterior

Author: Justin Martins, BSU student

Physical Therapy Plus is located on 650 Plymouth Street in East Bridgewater, MA 02333. They are a privately-owned business providing physical therapy in two locations, in East Bridgewater, and Brockton. Founded in 1983 I asked the owner, Tom Harrington, just what his business is about.
Why did you decided to be in this line of business?
“It is my belief that patients are being managed with too much medication and not enough thought put into their actual functional deficits. This is why I went into physical therapy. This was also the basis for starting my own physical therapy practice.”

What made you want to start the business?
“I was unhappy with the politics of hospital physical therapy. I decided to work for myself. At that time there were very few private practices.”

What was the toughest thing you went through when opening?
“I received no business training in physical therapy school. There were very few physical therapy practices to consult with. I did have the benefit of working with two gentlemen at the Small Business Administration in Brockton. These two individuals had been CEOs at large companies and were volunteering their time to help new business owners.”

What is the toughest part of owning a business in 2020?
“There is significant competition in healthcare. There are many physician owned physical therapy clinics that refer exclusively to themselves. There are rising costs for running a physical therapy business. At the same time, fee reductions are less today than they were 20 years ago.”

What do you believe makes your business stand out from others?

“Patients tell us that our business is much more patient oriented than other offices they have been to”

What is the number one way you bring in new customers?
“Word of mouth. We do not market the physical therapy practice, rather rely on previous patients and loyal physicians to bring in new clients.”

Has the internet played a big part in your growth?
“Our social media involvement is a weakness that we are trying to address. For example, we are planning to update our Facebook page more regularly. We will also be redesigning our website.”

Do you believe the internet could play a bigger role if you had the right tools?
“Yes. Absolutely.”

If you had to look 6 months to a year into the future, where would you like your see your business?
“We realize that the patients of tomorrow will likely be much more internet savvy than the patients we see now. I am not certain if this is a 6 month or year plan, but we certainly want a better social media presence.”

Do you believe in a more passive or hands on approach to management when it comes to being an owner?
“I believe that my employees would describe me as being too passive. They also state that the absence of micromanaging makes their job more enjoyable.”

Visit Physical Therapy Plus at:  650 Plymouth Street, East Bridgewater, MA

Contact them via:
Telephone: 508-378-4035
Facebook: @EB ptplus
